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Sibling Superstars
Please answer the following questions as best you can.
Tell us about your Superstar Sister:
Indicates required field
What is the name of the CRMO child nominating his/her sister)? *
What is your sister's name?
What is her DOB?
What makes your sister a SUPERSTAR?
Does your sister collect anything? Have any hobbies? What does she like to do in her spare time? Does she have favorite TV/movie characters, superheroes or others?
Is there anything that especially makes your sister happy? If yes, what?
What are your sister's favorite candy, snacks, treats?
What are your sister's favorite colors?
Please provide your sister's mailing address:
Line 1
Line 2
Zip Code
Name of person filling out this form or certifying that this information is true and accurate (must be 18 or over):
[object Object]
Are you the parent, caregiver, other (please explain if other):
Email address of person over 18 years of age:
Please check the box below to confirm that you are 18 years or older, that you attest that this care package is being requested for a family member of someone with CRMO, and that you authorize Kaila's Komfort to use your testimonial and/or photos on our website, Kaila's Komfort Facebook page, and any promotional materials. If you have any stipulations on the use of your story/photos, please note them in the Comment box below.
Please note that we are only able to send one superstar sibling package per person as we are a tiny non-profit that runs 100% off of donations.